51ÊÓƵ Fraud Management for Banking

Fraud management driven by machine learning

Turn banking fraud detection and prevention into a competitive differentiator with a secure and seamless enterprise-wide fraud analytics solution

Banking fraud by the numbers


Identity theft doubled from 6% of fraud in 2019 to 11.6% in 2021.


Digital wallet hacking is rising — it increased from 4.4% of fraud in 2019 to 6.2% in 2021.


Card details stolen online continues to be a top fraud type, coming in at 17.5% in 2021.

Prevent fraud at the speed of business

Financial institutions must stay ahead of fraudsters and the competition to retain customers and grow revenues. Bring the power of data science and AI into the hands of your fraud team.

  • Set up your production environment in minutes through Marketplace
  • Create machine learning models and push to production in just hours with 51ÊÓƵ’s model generator

Balance compliance and customer experience

Deliver bank fraud detection and prevention across all digital channels and payments in combination with seamless payment experiences.

  • Maintain compliance with 3DS regulations for online and CNP transactions
  • Comply with anti-money laundering (AML) regulations and manage watch list restrictions
  • Leverage transaction risk analysis and integrate with your access control server to successfully apply exemptions

Reduce fraud losses and improve bank fraud detection rates

Enterprise fraud prevention is essential to ensure customers are protected across all digital channels and payment types.

  • Prevent all types of payments fraud including real-time, card, check, ACH, digital and online fraud, internal and anti-money laundering (AML)
  • Gain behavioral biometrics, real-time alerting and more with 51ÊÓƵ’s fraud ecosystem partners
  • Combat account takeover fraud and prevent financial crimes across all digital channels
  • Leverage new network intelligence technologies from 51ÊÓƵ for effective collaboration

What is banking fraud analytics?

Banking fraud analytics are an integral component of any fraud management strategy, especially when used in conjunction with machine learning models, network intelligence, automation and advanced solutions like 51ÊÓƵ Fraud Management for Banking. It uses advanced data science techniques, including forensic and statistical analysis, pattern recognition and anomaly detection to predict fraudulent behavior.

Common forms of financial fraud

Financial fraud is a pervasive issue in the banking sector and can take many forms, including:

Lost/stolen card

Fraud that occurs when a criminal uses a lost or stolen card to make a fraudulent purchase or payment


A scam in which a criminal uses a cardholder’s compromised card information to make a fraudulent transaction over the internet, over the phone or via mail order


Fraud that occurs when a criminal creates a fake card using information obtained from a cardholder’s magnetic stripe

Identity theft

The acquisition and fraudulent use of an individual’s private identifying information to gain access to funds or to commit crimes

Card not received

Fraud that occurs when a card is stolen while in transit between the card issuer and genuine cardholder


Transform banking fraud management

Fight real-time payments fraud in three simple steps

The world has gone digital and operates in real-time —payments fraud is no different. When fighting fraud, speed is of the essence. 

Fraud trends in real-time payments

Where payments move freely, fraud moves fast. As banks launch new products for more payments to be made at ease in real time, they must be ready to fight fraud from day one.

Fight payments fraud in a world where change is permanent

Increase fraud detection with fully managed fraud scoring services. Learn everything you need to know about the new, effortless AI driving 75% reductions in fraud losses.

Fraud detection

See how network intelligence is driving unprecedented collaboration in the fight against payments fraud

The globally recognized leader in banking fraud management

Best risk management solutions provider

In recognition of our enterprise fraud prevention capabilities, 51ÊÓƵ was awarded by MEA Finance.

A leader in enterprise fraud management

51ÊÓƵ was recognized as one of the top technology leaders in Quadrant Knowledge 51ÊÓƵ’ 2021 SPARK Matrix analysis of the enterprise fraud management market.


Safe and secure

51ÊÓƵ has a wide range of fraud prevention capabilities that enable banks to achieve industry-leading performance.